Monday, December 29, 2008
The Gift: A Roadtrip
Destination #1: Washington D.C.
We also visited the Holocaust Museum. It is deeply touching/troubling. Both of us left feeling completely drained, but glad we had gone.
Destination #2: Atlantic City
Destination #3: Philadelphia
We headed to the historic city of Philadelphia, not for the rich culture, history or food, but for the shopping. Tax- free clothing led us to the world's 3rd largest mall, King of Prussia. We shopped until I developed blisters, then decided to head to the next destination.
Sadly, it was time to begin heading home.
Destination #4: Detroit
We drove all night and spent the night in the worst hotel of the ones we stayed in. But we were tired, so it didn't matter. We spent the New Year driving, a metaphorical new beginning, limitless possibilities, the open road.
And finally, back to Chicago. And the road trip was complete, save for Kris's drive back to Ohio. We bonded again, we fought, we laughed, and sang Aretha Franklin songs at the top of our lungs. It was a great time, and I am thrilled that it all worked out as perfectly as it did.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Art for Christmas
Friday, November 21, 2008
Week Night Television
Monday Night:
Prison Break (Fox): My fascination with this show began at the shows inception. How could there be a show based around breaking out of prison, with a 2 hour premier that continues for more than a season, or even the 2 hours? I kept asking myself. So I watched it, and was hooked. Intrigued by the visionary character Michael Scofield, played by Wentworth Miller. THIS was all I needed to keep me watching..
*I don't like him.. he's too pretty.. he's like the Barilla pasta commercial guy.. he needs to be beaten for being to attractive (not really, I'm just disgusted).. Wentworth Miller always has his eyes squinted like the sun is bothering them, even when the sun isn't shining.. it's his serious face.*

He was a genius, who figured out how to break his brother out of prison using intricate tattoos on his body. As it happens, I was right. Prision Break jumped the shark in season 2. But I keep watching it, trying to regain understanding. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what is going on any longer. And, even though the classic Scofield stare is still prominent, it just isn't doing it for me any more.
Boston Legal (ABC): Originally a favorite due to the spin off nature from The Practice (another old fav). I veered away from this one until again recently. With the cast now containing, in addition to James Spader, a lively mad-cow driven William Shatner, a brilliant Candace Bergan, and an uptight John Laroquette it's a must watch. The show focuses on current events ( using the election recently as a topic of focus) as well as major economic, moral and religious issues. A great conversation show. Witty and funny!
* I can't believe they're going to cancel this show. The humor is awesome, and well thought out.. I'm disappointed that this is it for the series* -D.
Tuesday Night:
House ( Fox): I still love it. Dr. Gregory House, played by Hugh Laurie is hilarious, mean and spiteful. Fantastic medical cases and interesting plot lines, though lately I am a little annoyed with some of the characters.

* Yes, I agree.. completely. I don't understand how some episodes don't resolve, or continue.. for example: some egg shaped thing appears from the center of the earth and makes a weird frequency noise, and some strange folks show up to either a.) find it, and kill everyone in the way b.) protect it from previously stated alien/man/cyborg/thing.. then the egg goes back down into the earth, and the strange men disappear. Nothing is resolved. At the end, you just say to yourself "whaaaa.. did I just lose an hour of my life for that?" Is a story with no real conclusion supposed to be intriguing somehow? -D.
Wednesday Night:
Bones (Fox): I recently started watching this, having seen it here and there previously. It's interesting from a character development standpoint. We learn more about the show's primary characters each week, as well as glimpse into the lives and relationships of the secondary cast. The new CSI. Crime, humor, and intellectual wit.
*I like Bones.. I like their relationship and how they interact. I don't feel pathetic watching it like all the other shows on other days of the week. I guess it's because it is more crime solving/mystery/action storyline than a night time soap opera where everyone is sleeping with each other* -D.
Private Practice (ABC): A spin off of Grey's Anatomy starring Kate Walsh as Addison Montgomery ( Shepard) . This show is exactly what you would expect of a Grey's Anatomy spin off. Doctors sleeping with each other and talking about it. The only thing that stands out, and the reason I feel compelled to keep watching, is the subject matter each week. Every week the writers manage to sneak in some horribly disgusting topic that leaves me with office poll material for the rest of the week. ( see poll too side for one such example)
*yes.. essentially Grey's Anatomy with the only attractive member of the show withdrawn to have her own show* -D.

Dirty Sexy Money (ABC): Even D. loves this one. Following the life and times of the richest family in New York and their family lawyer. It's entertaining to say the least. This show is our guilty pleasure. We can't help but be caught up in what new scheme Jeremy is concocting, or who Karen is marrying next. It's a prime time soap opera, but with better writing and a bigger budget. We just can't help ourselves.
*Dirty Sexy Money is awesome! I can't believe that Lisa is going to sleep with Jeremy.. and where did this stupid girl that got hit on the bike come from.. is that the best way they could think of to introduce her character? Geez.. I could have written that script.. in all seriousness though.. Lisa George (Zoe McLellan) is turbo hot.. not as much as my nugget gelfling though.*
- D.*
Thursday Night:
Ugly Betty (ABC): I only started watching this because it's on before Grey's Anantomy, to which I am addicted ( see below). It's just a habit I can't seem to break. It's one of those shows that it doesn't really matter if you miss some, or even a whole episode. I cook dinner, eat and play with the dog while this plays in the background.
* This show is beyond too much, this is like you reminding me of 'the Fonz' jumping the shark anecdote.. this is more like Screech's robot, or Steve Urkel's other persona, Stephan.. it's like they have no direction for her role/character anymore, so they rehash this Denny story again because they don't know what to do with her. Grey's Anatomy has turned into 'Friends'. They've all slept with each other, and it's ridiculous and has no relevant real life scenario, other than the hospital patients actually dying.* -D.
Friday Night:
There is really nothing on, so we channel surf and eventually land on Ghost Whisperer, or something on HGTV. But who cares, right? It's Friday night!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Christmas Wish List
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What Have We Done Lately?
I haven't added much on here, since I have begun to feel like my thoughts/opinions are unwanted, or taken too seriously. I realize I am an opinionated person, and I speak my mind. I realize as a result that others disagree. I encourage spirited debate as I think it enables everyone to listen to each other and grow. I am not, ever, personally attacking anyone with my comments, and hope that in the future, as I continue to post my thoughts that we can remain civil. D. and I sometimes disagree, but I feel this makes our relationship interesting and stronger. We are able to listen to each other, yet still have our own sense of individuality. I believe some of the best couples I know (you know who you are) are great together BECAUSE they disagree, and because they often engage in debate, learning from each other. It would be awfully boring to be with someone who just agreed with you all the time. *ick*
Lately, I have also been busy. My company celebrated our 5th Anniversary last week. We are still growing and still going strong, even in today's market, when other Investment Banking firms are suffering. I did not know how much I could enjoy working in a business related field until now. I love it, and am very happy. I plan on going to grad school in the next year or so (once D. finishes) to get my MBA in operations/marketing.
I will try to contribute more soon.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Another Thing...
*Update: Crew 2 - Fire 1... Crew are the Eastern Conference Champions and are going to the MLS Cup.*
Wicked Long Line
I've just returned from my journey downtown to Gregory Maguire's book signing. Gregory Maguire is best known for his masterpiece 'Wicked' which later went on to be developed into a Broadway musical. He also wrote 'Mirror Mirror', 'Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister', a pseudo sequel to 'Wicked' called 'Son of a Witch', and my personal favorite, 'Lost'. I believe this book signing is a followup tour to the release of his latest addition to the 'Wicked' series, 'A Lion Among Men'. I managed to walk in right on time to the sound of applause on the third floor (sometimes the red lines delays pay off I suppose) and proceeded up the escalators where I would be thrown out of the half-assed, nonexistent, nomadic, order-seeking line and redistributed to the very back by employees who were now forming a route through various aisles of the store. Almost completely in the back, I patiently, and mindlessly waited zoning out to instrumental indie rock for about an hour sweating like a troll cloaked in burlap with my wool coat and hooded sweatshirt. I finally got to meet Mr. Maguire, and after a brief but cordial conversation, I tried to get a photo. Despite A.'s suggestions to not ask for shot with the master wordsmith, I attempted to anyways. Unfortunately, the batteries decided to die mid pose, thus making the situation just as uncomfortable and creepy as I had been forewarned about. He told me that he has that effect on batteries, and ferns. Well.. perhaps I will listen to A. in the future. For fair reviews of 'Wicked', and 'Son of a Witch', check this site out.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Disappointing, I know..
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
I love you even though you are crazy, because I am crazy too.
I love you even though you hate doing dishes and laundry, because I hate them too.
I love that you are silly ( see picture) because it makes me laugh, and I am silly too.
but most importantly...
I love you even more today than I did last year at this time.
Happy Birthday!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sinken, party of two..
Thursday, October 9, 2008
No Trucks Allowed, You Too Widdle Guy
It is almost a joke when you consider it for a while. The most irritating part of the whole incident is the fact that my Tacoma is considerably under the weight and size of say, a Hummer, or a Ford Excursion, or a Chevrolet Suburban, and these vehicles are free and clear to drive up and down LSD. I feel that if there is going to be a law pertaining to pickup trucks traveling up and down LSD,some revisions are necessary. The police officer stated that the law dates back to the twenties. Maybe we should consider that this is 2009 and people drive trucks as daily driver vehicles, and for the purposes of general transportation. The non-commercial endorsement on my tags should be a blunt indication that I am not moving farm equipment, servicing home appliances, or hauling materials to and from a construction site. In the end, I honestly believe it comes down to two real reasons. Out of state plates, wrong place at the wrong time. This situation wasn't even about my actions while driving. I am a criminal for owning a type of vehicle. All my nonsense is explained here at the Municipal Code of Chicago title/chapter 9-72-020. The substance which would be used in court would be under part B where it states that "when such vehicle is designed primarily for carrying freight or other goods and merchandise". That's the nail. Any other part of the whole thing could be argued. Weak Chicago. Weak. Why do you have to bust my balls?
Friday, October 3, 2008
iPod Irritations
Friday, September 26, 2008
Things Great Dane Puppies Do Not Like
2.) Backpacks. This one is a new one. We now take our walks a half hour to forty-five minutes after I return from class. This way the various school kids from the five surrounding schools are pretty much gone, and he can comfortably keep tempo during his dopey, horse-like head bobbing stroll. He has also been known to bark fearfully at people carrying boxes, or any other large object that makes its carrier appear out of proportion.
3.) Hoods. In dog mentality, a person with a hood is essentially what a cobra looks like to us, or so I've gathered through my research. I believe he thinks it is an issue of proportion, and when I ask him later what is wrong, he states that the neck of whichever offender was protruding out from the sides, and that they were scary. *We talk to each other a lot* He does not trust anyone in over sized baggy clothes as well which is unfortunate because some folks out there still think hip-hop/rap is cool. It's the disco of the nineties that just won't go away. Rock&Roll sucka'!
4.) The music when Jaws is about to strike. No explanation needed.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Curtis, thanks for the wine. As you might have noticed from the picture, I was unable to find the F'in bottle opener/cork remover anywhere therefore my means of procuring my poison had to take on a different approach. I recently heard an old expression that fits this scenario, "a man should use whatever tool it takes to effectively do the job". This is probably the most white trash thing I've done in ten minutes.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Here it is at nine o’clock in the evening, and ma’lady is out at birthday party for a coworker (but guess whos birthday is tomorrow?). I decided that I would have a few drinks and sit down at the machine to play a few rounds of chess (not that yahoo games nonsense) with a recently added program from Ubisoft called ‘Chessmaster: Grandmaster Edition’. By no means do I claim to be remotely skilled at chess, hence the reason I have taken a renewed interest in it as of late. I have been going through a chapter of the learning portion of the software in Josh Waitzkin’s Academy or something titled similarly to that. As of late, chess has become one of those things that I have tried to respark in hopes of honing my decision-making process. About twenty minutes ago, I finally got into the zone, and through some explanations and visualization, the results made me link my life to sixty-four squares in some sort of laid out epiphany that was waiting for me to discover it. I’ve been coasting through the mastery quiz (honing your skills) section. I think it was about the time that he said “It's very easy to get caught up in the meaningless confusions, when playing chess, or dealing with any life issue, for that matter; and the key is to know where to look. When confronted by a tactical position, we should always look for force and continuations, for example checks and captures. So here you want to look for all the checks that are possible. Knight C3 check was a check that also happens to be mate. The idea of this course is to learn the principles that will help you decipher and glide through complicated situations.” It has really made me ponder not just tactical moves within the game, but in reality as well.
*In another note, my latino friends have told me that if I wanted good chess competition, to go down to North Avenue beach and play a homeless person. Apparently, they are genius, but I would pin them up against the seventy to eighty year old Russian and Slovenian men that play up here at Loyola beach anytime.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Engulfed, Anyone?
As of 8.28.08
I have read several of these essays before also, and so this collection left me feeling less enthusiastic than usual. Yes there were funny parts, yes I enjoy Sedaris's humor, but... to be perfectly frank, this one wasn't great, or as entertaining as previous collections. Actually, I got rather tired of hearing about his travels, and by the end, I was bored, and annoyed that I wasn't in Japan. Oh well.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Judas Priest Shreds
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Relationships with Reading
As I travel on the train day to day, I find myself scanning the many titles adorning the covers of the literature my fellow travelers have chosen. I begin to think to myself, how can I approach those who share my taste in reading material. I can't very well interrupt them, and beg them to be my friend, and I feel shy about mentioning that I have also read and enjoyed, Fight Club, or To Kill a Mockingbird. Besides, as it happens, I'm probably focused on my own copy of Haunted, White Oleander or, The Billionaire's Vinegar as the case may be. Perhaps we should branch out, and rather than disturbing the woman reading The New Yorker, I could simply pass her a note that says, " I see you are reading an interesting piece of literature. I too enjoy this simple pleasure, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself". But, that is probably too creepy, so I will just stick to the book club.
The Billionaire's Vinegar: The Mystery of the World's Most Expensive Bottle of Wine by Benjamin Wallace
An excellent choice for our first book. Honestly, I typically do not enjoy historically factual stories, though this one captured my interest. The thing that struck me about this book is the fact that I caught myself trying to discuss it with my co-workers (who refuse to join the book club) simply because of the fact that the wine in question is old. I have an appreciation for things that are old, such as the old chest D. owns, or the old quilt passed down through my family. As I mentioned before, however, I do not usually like stories with historical significance unless it directly relates to me somehow, or I feel a connection. Having never been a wine collector, I didn't expect the story to reach me as it did. I found myself posing the question to everyone, "What would you do with a very old bottle of wine? Would you try to drink it, or just hold onto it for history's sake?"
As for the story itself, I have to admit that it lost me in a few places. I felt like the story was jumbled with too many facts and would have preferred to just following the one bottle of wine through time, versus the many different bottles and the countless side-stories of mishap, collecting, and forgery. While I agree that those were some interesting stories, I got mixed up in the sheer number of details.
But enough of what I think, that should be enough to start a conversation,(besides we have a professional book reviewer among us) I want to hear everyone's comments.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
100th Race to Mackinac
A. and I had made plans to attend the 100th running of 'Chicago Yacht Club's 'Race to Mackinac' , a sailing event where over 400 boats thirty feet and larger will sail 333 miles, and spend between an average of 40 to 60 hours from Navy Pier crossing Lake Michigan to Mackinac Island in Michigan. The Race to Mackinac is the longest freshwater sailing race in the world. Our day started out a wet one as soon as we woke up. Without rain gear, or an
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The New Yorker
As you know, I am all for freedom of speech, and satire, especially involving political icons, is something I fully support. But, when it comes to an already controversial political race, isn't there a line that just shouldn't be crossed?
I realize what The New Yorker is trying to to, it's just satire, and I am sure McCain will get an equally harsh cover. But, to put a presidential candidate in the oval office, dressed as a Muslim knowing that the percentage of Americans still upset with the whole 911 thing, and associating that with the entire Muslim culture.. whether correct or not, is staggering ( not that the New Yorker is necessarily gracing this same demographic's coffee tables, but still, now with all the buzz.. you get my point), and a picture of Bin Laden behind him, with a burning American flag, and his wife holding an AK47.... doesn't this seem tasteless. You tell me.

There has been a lot of buzz about this particular cover, but it's not the only one that has ever shaken the American public. For more controversial magazine covers go to:,0,5472017.photogallery
And tell me your thoughts!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I remember being a little girl, and watching my hometown fireworks on the 4th of July through the sunroof of our old silver Nissan. I remember this one particular year because a. we were sitting inside the car and b. it was the first year I remember seeing the large, golden fireworks that seem to linger in the air. Ever since then, those have been my favorite.
Last year, D. and I attended The Taste of Chicago 2007, briefly. Just long enough to learn that WAY too many people attend, but it's worth it for the Chicago Macy's Spectacular Firework's Show. Last year was the best fireworks show we had ever seen. And, also, the most people we had ever witnessed in one area. We thought this would be our last visit to The Taste.
But, when July approached, we couldn't resist the urge to buy tickets, eat all types of foods, visit Buckingham fountain, and of course, watch the fireworks. This year, my parents joined us and we had a GREAT time. Still one of the best fireworks shows I have ever seen.
The Taste of Chicago 2008 was one of the best summer weekends we have spent. ( In my opinion)
We stopped by the bean.
We stood by the Fountain.
We "mingled", and ate some food.
We settled in to watch the fireworks.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Book Club: The First Month
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Meet 'Rainbow'
The past two or three Saturdays we've had beautiful weather, so A. and I have wandered down to the beach to get some sun and wade out in the water. On these occasions, we've observed the same shirtless vest wearing hippy in striped shorts either carrying some sort of djembe, or attempting to retrieve a grappling hook from some half assed failed attempt to climb a tree. An ignorant Roger's Park blogger has finally put a name to the face of this strange character. Meet 'Rainbow'.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Day Late Respects
The recent death of George Carlin really had me thinking about the impact a death of a celebrity has on the masses. I really liked George and I’m more than happy that he has been getting the coverage that he deserves. I feel that there seems to be a different level of respect for a person that has personally affected me. I guess what I’m trying to say (hopefully without offending someone) is that music, art and literature has more emotional ties to our souls than the other useless nonsense that is shoveled down our throats on a daily basis. For example; Princess Diana’s (*I know I know.. "if I have to hear that F'in name one more time...") unfortunate death would be about a newspapers page six of importance in a perfect world. Other than exist, what did she do in her lifetime that made everyone so upset when she passed? Sure, there were charity efforts, and uhmm.. I’m sure some other reason for her to get a photo shoot in front of a gigantic check of some kind, but I can’t honestly see why so many people cried for her. Artists, musicians, writers, on the other hand do things and say things, and paint things that magically translate to feelings and thoughts that we are having. In fact it amazes me how humans find things in the times that they are looking for them. I’m reminded of how the lyrics of any song (good or not) that I would be listening to would relate to the things happening in my own life at that moment. Sometimes, when I’m tuned out to them, and then concentrate on what is being said, I get that realization. (this documented feeling is more or less a rehash of one of my previous blog postings that I will not go into depth about..I think it was in December)
Over on my brother and laws blog, I mentioned how sad I felt when Mitch Hedberg died. Obviously, I’ve never met him, or know him on any personal level, but in a way, I do. His comedy and humor stemmed from state of mind that I knew well, and connected with. I think the reason I felt bad when he passed was because he did and said things that remind me of the unique and select few people I surround myself with everyday, and it is always sad to see someone like that go away. I guess emphasis of importance on ones life and accomplishments is an American thing though too. When Kurt Vonnegut died, if you were lucky, you might find it in some of the more liberal newspapers front page, but most papers would have a small column on it probably back in the arts section. Only the elite rich such as professional athletes, Hollywood stars, and borderline talented former Mickey Mouse Club singers are deemed important enough to cover in such a fashion. It’s because education isn’t wanted, respected, or honored in the United States. I believe that it all goes back to the ‘keep them dumb, keep them consuming’ philosophy. Celebrities are products and for some reason, genuine and respectable folks who are out there truely connecting with the minds and hearts of people can’t be included or compete with that money side of American society (and part of me is glad they aren’t, which from a psychological standpoint makes me essentially the same as the people I'm condemning, but whatever). Fortunately, George Carlin’s years of selfless work and laughs had lifted him out of the subculture, and he is being recognized for his genius. I will say, however, it’s a good thing that JK Rowling didn’t die of a freak accident the same day, or else he might’ve been shifted a few pages back. Cheers George!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Help Wellstone
Friday, June 20, 2008
Go to : and vote!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Long Distance Book Club
If we are going to do this thing, we better make it worth while. First, obviously, we will all need to communicate via the internet, which I believe we can do through this site, since we clearly know it anyway. Second, we need more people. So, if each of us gets at least three other people to do it that would be good. Then there is the issue of what books to read.
I'm thinking, we should all make a list of books we love, or authors we love, and choose one book a month to read.. at the end of the month, we will discuss, via this site. I will keep a list of members of the club, and also the books/authors. ( look to your right, "Book Club" should give it away)
So? Who's in? Comment here and I'll add you to the list! DON'T FORGET TO GET YOUR FRIENDS/FAMILY INTERESTED.. the more the merrier, and this isn't going to be one of those boring, pretentious book clubs. Everyone has equal opinions, and everyone gets to contribute equally.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Hobbies for Readers
I enjoy reading. I enjoy writing and art related things. However, these things do not allow me to meet others, and to engage in conversation, make friends and feel like I am part of a group. So tell me, how am I supposed to meet people if everything I enjoy is a solitary activity?
Do not say, " join a book club". Book clubs are not for interesting, young and spirited people, most book clubs are boring, and full of pretentious older people who think the Bronte sisters were brilliant. Vomit.
Do not say,"join a writers workshop". Writers workshops are full of these same pretentious people, again with the Bronte groupies, and, to be honest, I have been out of practice when it comes to writing lately, and wouldn't want to share with anyone, thus making me a worthless member of the workshop.
Do not say, " become a member of the art institute and take some classes". I already plan on doing that, eventually.Though, I fear I will be surrounded with much better artists than myself and my pathetic attempts to create anything and be a part of a group will just end up with me feeling bad about myself.
I like to be outside, preferably on the beach, but, unless I play volleyball, it's difficult to meet people that way. Again, I would rather just lie there and read.
So.. what hobbies, in which I can meet other people, can I do, as a reader?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
This Blog
I have had enough! Do not read this blog or my Myspace rantings if you are going to take them personally, or twist my words.
The purpose of the things I say on here are to express MY opinions, thoughts, dislikes and likes. I am not setting out to personally attack anyone. Everything I have said on here, that references a specific person, I have already said to those people in person.
Everyone says I should be more careful about what I say, because it might offend someone. Well, I like to believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and we all have the freedom of speech. I am not trying to attack you, in most cases, what you are taking offense to, probably has nothing to do with you, as it is just a blog about my personal feelings about myself, and my life.
Everyone has the right to say what they think and none of us should have to censor ourselves because someone, or a group of people are ready to take offense. Am I to believe that every time I reference something in the world, if it could vaguely be a part of your life, I shouldn't discuss it? Come on. To date, this means my current list of untouchable topics are: unemployment, dieting, manual labor, money, teaching, voting, Cleveland, Chicago, Ohio, boats, fishing, abortion and adoption and child birth, politics, smoking, Ohio State... the list goes on... what next, I cant talk about the air I breathe, because YOU breathe it too? This has got to stop.
I have a right to say whatever I want, regardless of if it offends you,and everyone has this right, and I believe in it very deeply.
For example: I do not condone, in any way, the KKK... but... they have the RIGHT to speak their minds. And, I may not agree with their opinions ( for the record, I don't agree with them) but, despite that fact, I would never consider their ranting a personal attack on me, and I wouldn't take away their freedom of speech.
The same is true for everyone. Everyone has an opinion, and I believe everyone should have the right to speak their minds, about whatever they choose, despite the fact that someone might be offended. In the case of this blog, IT ISN'T ABOUT YOU!
I am writing as an outlet and also so our friends and family can see what's going on in our lives, and get to know both D. and I a little better. I am not writing to upset you, or attack you, or because I hate you. If you disagree, that's fine. Let me know you disagree and maybe we have a spirited conversation, like we all did with the Apple vs. PC debate. How come no one was offended by that?
To my friends and family:
(and yes, I consider all of you with last names that start with K., or H. my family)
I love you dearly, and I am not trying to upset you. I am not attacking you and I am not choosing topics based on things you are doing, have done or are going to do. I base my topics on whatever random thing that pops in my head. Sometimes, that's Johnny Depp, sometimes it's the advice I have recently given people. I'm sincerely sorry if what I post online upsets you, but please try to understand that I am not setting out to attack you or any part of your lives.
1. I do want to be thin, and I don't want to work for it. This has nothing to do with anyone except me and my own laziness. For those of you who have lost weight, I'm jealous and proud of you.
2. I do like Chicago better than Cleveland. But for the record, I loved Cleveland. I am not saying anything about the people who live there, the people I love. Cleveland will always be in my heart.
3. I enjoy fishing and pick up trucks. Thoroughly.
4. I love and support D. will all my heart. I would never choose to do something that hurts him. And even though you don't know this, he is happy.
Thank you.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Once Again...
No offense if you are one of the many who have chosen not to follow my advice and have ended up in useless occupations, loveless marriages or abusive relationships, and stuck living in places you hate, believe me, I understand that having a blunt friend tell you the truth is not always something that you want to hear. I also understand that as a result I have lost many good friendships because of this. But, I wouldn't be a good friend, sister, daughter, co-worker, and girlfriend if I didn't tell you. And, to be frank, 9 times out of 10 you end up calling me years later, apologetic and telling me I was exactly right. So...
If I have told you something recently: LISTEN! I'm most likely older and wiser than you.
1. Don't take a manual labor job, you will just end up regretting it
2. Dump him, you know its better for you, stop being a stupid abused woman.
3. Don't pay two rents when you can move and secure a better future.
4. Don't smoke, it just makes you complain about your throat for a week.
I'm done.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Last Year
Saturday, May 26, 2007
![]() | The sounds we hear Thus far, Chicago has proved to be much more entertaining than Cleveland. We have been using our weekends as wisely as possible and have stumbled upon some good music. First, we took our newfound knowledge of public transportation to new heights when we traveled downtown to see Owen play a free show at the Apple Store. Great stuff, as always. It was refreshing. Nothing beats a man and his acoustic guitar, in my opinion anyway. This was my first time seeing him, and though the set didn't last long, it was well worth it. Finally, I got the see the inspiration behind all those tragically depressing songs Dave creates at home. Afterwards, full of good spirits, which any decent artist will give you, we walked around a while, looking in shop windows we cant afford and then onto the beach. All in all it was a pleasant night and a great kick-off of the "Weekends Together Out" movement. It proves to be one of my most promising movements. This weekend, the infamous, highly coveted Memorial Day 3-day weekend if off to a surprising start. I can't reveal all the detailed plans of the rest of the weekend, but I can share Friday night's festivities. Many thanks to Kevin for the thought and the tickets to the show at the Metro here in town last night. The venue was reminiscent of the Newport in ye ole Columbus, Ohio, but... like most things we've encountered so far, BETTER. The Metro is a small venue, with old style moldings around the stage and small but cozy seating in the upstairs balcony. The big difference you ask? Yeah... the Metro has a bar upstairs. Like I said, better. Plus, it honestly only took maybe 6 minutes to walk to from our apartment. The only complaint with the venue... A/C. where we were hanging out was a bit chilly, though I'm sure it was a much more comfortable place downstairs in the myriad of rock fans. We showed up early, mostly because we were bored and lacking living room furniture tends to motivate you to leave the apartment. The first band, or shall I say two dudes on stage were loud. That sums up the entire performance, loud. The second act, whose name I didn't even catch, included a very energetic tambourine player we nicknamed TAMBO. Similar to Rambo, but with a tambourine vs. automatic weapons. The only people who enjoyed their performance are those who are friends of the band, and possibly the lead singers mother. We were sitting upstairs, and looking through the grated railing, and in this case, the slight blur caused by the obstructed view actually added to the positive qualities of the show. They tried. They failed. And no matter how much Tambo jumped and clapped and cheered, it wasn't happening. The headliners of this particular show were This is Me Smiling. They were good, but not great. We didn't even stay for their whole set. Decent show, nothing fancy, nothing new, and nothing to get too excited about. However, the real stars of the show were the band Skybox. We loved them. They put on a great performance, including awesome stage presence and even candy thrown to the crowd. Their music is slightly off the beaten track if you know what I mean. I'm unable to assign it to a specific genre, but perhaps that is part of the appeal. We have become fans. These guys are good. Are they for everyone? Certainly not, but they should be for anyone who has an open mind and a passion for the weird. Granted, to please me you can't go wrong if you include violins and wear orange shoes. |
Now, here we are, rapidly approaching the 3-day Memorial Day weekend once again, and what has changed? We still love Skybox, in fact we just saw them play an acoustic set at Schuba's a week or so ago. ( Awesome) They were there to help Joe Pug kick off his record release. Pug, or shall I say the reincarnated Bob Dylan was very good, excellent lyrics. We are looking into that more. We do live a little farther from the Metro, but, also farther from Wrigley Field, which is a major plus for us. We recently moved into a larger ( upgraded) apartment in Rogers Park a little north of the city. We are still getting to know our new neighborhood, but thus far we are very happy, and enjoying life.
Things are going very well. We have had a successful year. And, this coming weekend will prove to be full of good times as we plan a visit from our dearest family members.
Let the good times roll. See you soon.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Random Thoughts
I have been "tagged", by yet another e-version of the old chain letters we used to write as kids. I suppose, just this once, I will succumb to the temptation and respond. I am supposed to write 16 random things about myself, then, choose 10 people to force this upon. And, I believe there is a " no tag-back rule" So here goes....
Random thoughts:
1. Today, I wish I had a British accent, because, I have realized that everything I say would be much more interesting if I said it with a British accent.
2. I need to go back to Europe. I just finished interviewing someone who spent all semester in Barcelona, and I was insanely jealous. I miss Europe.
3. I am currently on a Chuck Palahnuik kick, and have been reading or re-reading all of his books. I am currently on Choke, which is about a sex addict/medical school dropout. (Palahnuik wrote Fight Club, for all of my non-literary friends, as a point of reference)
4. I have always wanted to write a book, maybe one day I will really do it, though, to be honest, I probably won't, since my writer side most identifies with Johnny Depp's character in Secret Window ( by no means my favorite film) in which he is either asleep, or drinking, or crazy the entire time he is attempting to write.. and this particular lifestyle doesn't fit neatly into my work schedule.
5. I may have completely lost all respect for Edward Norton, I am not sure about this yet, but I have a feeling it might be coming... as he will be the Hulk. Aside from Batman, and Xmen, all the other comic book inspired films have sucked. Sorry if you like Spiderman, but you cannot tell me that Toby Mcquire, and Kirsten Dunst are superior actors, and, by the way, the special effects in those movies... well... yeah.. not so much. But remember, if you will, Catwoman, The Punisher, Daredevil, Elektra, and the new Superman, can you really tell me any of those are good?
6. My boss has no concept of time and space. This is because he is a multi-millionaire who commands his own functionality without it. This is also very frustrating for me on a daily basis, as the rest of the world demands a certain level respect for the laws of nature.
7. I think I might have forgotten to put deodorant on today. Though, I cannot be sure, as I was in a hurry and still half asleep this morning. I sprayed body spray on myself once I arrived to work, just in case. So far, I don't think I smell, but nevertheless I hate when that happens.
8.If I write really long random things, can I only write 8, instead of 16?
9. In my opinion, truly intelligent people do not ever have to offer proof. ( ie: what school they attended, their gpa and test scores, or awards; they may have these things, but they are unnecessary)
10. Apparently, Pledge can repair scratched CD's. Who knew?
11. I have read, enjoyed and own the entire work, The Divine Comedy by Dante. (Not just The Inferno but the ENTIRE work.)
12. VOX POP is the place to be! Leave comments, I live for comments. Hey, since you are already here... leave a comment.
13. I often hum, Hard Days Night by The Beatles, and I think this might be a result of my mother listening to them often while she was pregnant with me, and also throughout the better part of my childhood. As a side note, the order of songs and all the lyrics, on Anthology 1 are also burned into my memory.
14. " I know the Hancock Building, will eclipse the afternoon moon"
15. Even though I crave the city, and love the fact that it feels alive, I am still and always will be a hillbilly at heart. Need proof? 5 facts: I listen to Country Music. (not exclusively, but still...) I will go barefoot most of the summer. I prefer a pick up to a car. I say, " y'all". I know how to ride a horse,change a flat tire, jump a car and cast a fishing pole.
16. My favorite Bruce Willis movie is, Last Man Standing.
Names not included in this version
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Mutant Graffiti Terrorizes City Streets
MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
A wall painting comes to life and creeps across the cities of Buenos Aires and Baden in Blu's frighteningly amazing stop animation. Blu's character morphs into different shapes, sizes and creatures. At one point you even follow its teeth as they leap out of his mouth and trot across the sidewalk. The black and white artwork is surprisingly simple but what it produces is a total mind bend. It's titled MUTO: An Ambiguous Animation Painted On Public Walls. View the whole video after the jump.
Blu has been creating his public art across the country for years. You can see his work in London, Berlin and all over Argentina. [Bluvia Slashfilm]
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Call us. We will make plans.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Scouting on Scout
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Common Cup

This morning on my way to work, I decided to stop in the cute little independent coffee shop in my new neighborhood, rather than succumb to the temptation of the Starbucks near my office.
I was pleasantly surprised and delighted. I ordered my usual mocha, and instantly felt more at ease. The owner was working the counter, and rather than several, pushy, snobby people standing in line, fighting to order over each other, to the teenager wearing a headset, she and I actually had a short, personable conversation. I mentioned I was new to the neighborhood, and I was warmly welcomed.
The coffee ended up being around the same price as I would pay elsewhere, but at this point, I'm accustomed to paying $5 for coffee, so, I let that slide... especially since the coffee was actually much better.'
Overall, I highly recommend The Common Cup if you are ever in my neighborhood. Maybe I will see you there!
Monday, April 7, 2008
"She was just 17, you know what I mean"
Last time: Senior Thesis. Apparently, at some point in my life I was brilliant, I said vibrant, interesting , thought provoking things. Oh well.
This time: pictures from when I was 17. First of all, I do not miss being 17, I remember being rather angry and resentful of everything and everyone, especially my parents ( and blonde cheerleaders, though to be honest, I still dislike most). I do however, miss my 17 year old 100 pound figure. And, thus we have been brought back to my earlier statements of wanting to be thin, but not wanting to try. I realize that I will never achieve the results I had when I was 17. My metabolism has slowed and, well my energy has decreased because I'm lazy. Yes, I admit it, I'm lazy and I enjoy fast food. I am an American, get over it. Maybe I will walk more. Maybe I will work out, maybe I will join a gym again, maybe I will buy an elliptical machine, maybe...
While I consider that, I will eat my butter drenched pierogies and drink my Mt. Dew. mmmm.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Apartment Search
Then, someone else got the apartment. Our agent screwed us over. He called me and tried to talk me into a similar unit, which we hadn't seen, in the same building, but for much much more rent a month. ( meanwhile, if you can afford $2,000 a month in rent, I hate you, and you are probably stupid.. who in their right mind pays that much to RENT?!) As a side note, due to this experience and the fact that the office staff at Chicago Apartment Finders were not friendly nor helpful in any way, nor were they actually interested in finding us an apartment, but rather very interested in getting us to pay them top dollar, I do not reccommend going to this service. In fact, I strongly suggest you avoid them at all costs. If you go to their website and see somewhere you like, I would figure out the address and contact the landlord.

So, Mike was great and we really loved working with him, but in the end, we found something on our own. FINALLY!

The place we found has everything we wanted. Including a garage parking spot ( that's a big deal in Chicago) At least my stress of finding a place is over, now we just have to pack, and move. Sigh.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
What is that now, four or five times?
Hullo! Hullo! We are the billy boys!
Friday, March 28, 2008
I Hate Outlook.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Thank you Anonymous
And then came Anonymous.
I don't know who you are, but let me be the first to say, thank you for judging me, my relationship, my eating habits and everything in between. Thank you for going out of your way to help me realize I am a horrible person. Here's to you Anonymous!
In November, when we posted a blog which posed the question of why we feel boring when we get older, you kindly added:
Anonymous said...
-D- I really think everything you say is so interesting. so tell me what is your perspective on life, youth, young adulthood, adulthood, love, hate etc..? why so pessimistic.. what got you to that point...
when I wrote a humorous story about our haunted apartment you had only the best to say:
Anonymous said...
Maybe its your relationship that is causing all the problems and you are trying to blame something else....
And, then you were gone, until we got this lovely gem:
Anonymous said...
if you really want to be skinny mini then you have to learn self control like getting rid of snickers or tim hortons while you sitting on your butt all day its just common sense!!
Thank you Anonymous for consistently making me feel like a horrible person. Apparently I am not nearly as interesting as D., my relationship is in a shambles and I'm a fat moron who has no self control. ( p.s. no one ever mentioned Tim Hortons in the blog) Thank you for making me realize how truly horrible I am. Please continue to comment Anonymous, and do not let my feelings persuade you to be subtle. Please continue to state your opinions, I just ask that you leave us some small clue to your identity.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wake Up
This particular week, I have been unusually exhausted anyway, with my travels to Tampa ( again another blog) and the Apartment Search ( another blog, but will be written once the stress is relieved and I am no longer angry), so by the time late afternoon rolled around today, I was about ready to pass out on my desk. I lazily finished up some typing, and considered my options. I could steal a few minutes of shut eye by sitting in the restroom, or I could send my least favorite intern to Starbucks, or, I could run downstairs and buy a Mt. Dew. I opted for Mt. Dew, and while I was there I came upon something new. A limited edition Snickers bar, containing, ( as I thanked the heavens above) caffeine.
Now, this snickers seemed a. a godsend, and b. suspicious. I felt as though I was a lab rat, being trying out some new drug. I didn't know what to expect. So, I ate it. It tasted sort of "off" meaning that it tasted as a snickers should, but also, somehow strange, like how aspirin tastes if you accidentally get some stuck to your tongue before you swallow it ( or God forbid, chew it up). I was expecting chocolaty goodness, with an added kick, and ended up tasting something like chemicals adhering to the roof of my mouth.
Maybe I was just making this up in my mind, since I was pretending I was trying a new drug, so, to calm my fears that I just ingested a toxic chemical based substance disguised as chocolate, I turned to the Internet. Where I found: At least the aftertaste was normal, and I wasn't the only one who has dealt with it, and I began to release my fear that I had accidentally poisoned myself.
As for the added kick I was hoping for in order to get through the rest of my work day and the long evening apartment searching I had planned, I do feel more alert, though, somewhat anxious.
For the future, I think I prefer my snickers in the sleepy version.