Monday, April 7, 2008

"She was just 17, you know what I mean"

I have moved several times in my life, and as a result am now holding onto the belief that our new place will be the last one until we purchase a home in the burbs, and I am bound and determined to keep that promise to myself and D. I hate moving. Every time I do it, the same things happen. First, I rethink that whole, " I want to keep all my books so I can have a real library someday" Books are heavy and take up a lot of space. Second, I find some small piece of the past that makes me feel bad about myself.

Last time: Senior Thesis. Apparently, at some point in my life I was brilliant, I said vibrant, interesting , thought provoking things. Oh well.

This time: pictures from when I was 17. First of all, I do not miss being 17, I remember being rather angry and resentful of everything and everyone, especially my parents ( and blonde cheerleaders, though to be honest, I still dislike most). I do however, miss my 17 year old 100 pound figure. And, thus we have been brought back to my earlier statements of wanting to be thin, but not wanting to try. I realize that I will never achieve the results I had when I was 17. My metabolism has slowed and, well my energy has decreased because I'm lazy. Yes, I admit it, I'm lazy and I enjoy fast food. I am an American, get over it. Maybe I will walk more. Maybe I will work out, maybe I will join a gym again, maybe I will buy an elliptical machine, maybe...

While I consider that, I will eat my butter drenched pierogies and drink my Mt. Dew. mmmm.


Dave said...

Mmmmm! pierogies.. num num

The Critic said...

ahhh...lost youth, how i do/don't miss it at all. weird.

you'll never entirely lose that sensation that ambivalence about your youth and the good and the bad about it.

i think the only people who lose that are people whose youth was totally teh suck.

Anonymous said...

i NEVER miss being 17. i do, however, occasionally miss being 21. i think i mostly miss the drama. my life is so stable and boring now ... well, except that day i received a subpoena to testify in front of a grand jury.

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