Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have had enough! Do not read this blog or my Myspace rantings if you are going to take them personally, or twist my words.
The purpose of the things I say on here are to express MY opinions, thoughts, dislikes and likes. I am not setting out to personally attack anyone. Everything I have said on here, that references a specific person, I have already said to those people in person.
Everyone says I should be more careful about what I say, because it might offend someone. Well, I like to believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and we all have the freedom of speech. I am not trying to attack you, in most cases, what you are taking offense to, probably has nothing to do with you, as it is just a blog about my personal feelings about myself, and my life.
Everyone has the right to say what they think and none of us should have to censor ourselves because someone, or a group of people are ready to take offense. Am I to believe that every time I reference something in the world, if it could vaguely be a part of your life, I shouldn't discuss it? Come on. To date, this means my current list of untouchable topics are: unemployment, dieting, manual labor, money, teaching, voting, Cleveland, Chicago, Ohio, boats, fishing, abortion and adoption and child birth, politics, smoking, Ohio State... the list goes on... what next, I cant talk about the air I breathe, because YOU breathe it too? This has got to stop.
I have a right to say whatever I want, regardless of if it offends you,and everyone has this right, and I believe in it very deeply.
For example: I do not condone, in any way, the KKK... but... they have the RIGHT to speak their minds. And, I may not agree with their opinions ( for the record, I don't agree with them) but, despite that fact, I would never consider their ranting a personal attack on me, and I wouldn't take away their freedom of speech.
The same is true for everyone. Everyone has an opinion, and I believe everyone should have the right to speak their minds, about whatever they choose, despite the fact that someone might be offended. In the case of this blog, IT ISN'T ABOUT YOU!
I am writing as an outlet and also so our friends and family can see what's going on in our lives, and get to know both D. and I a little better. I am not writing to upset you, or attack you, or because I hate you. If you disagree, that's fine. Let me know you disagree and maybe we have a spirited conversation, like we all did with the Apple vs. PC debate. How come no one was offended by that?
To my friends and family:
(and yes, I consider all of you with last names that start with K., or H. my family)
I love you dearly, and I am not trying to upset you. I am not attacking you and I am not choosing topics based on things you are doing, have done or are going to do. I base my topics on whatever random thing that pops in my head. Sometimes, that's Johnny Depp, sometimes it's the advice I have recently given people. I'm sincerely sorry if what I post online upsets you, but please try to understand that I am not setting out to attack you or any part of your lives.
1. I do want to be thin, and I don't want to work for it. This has nothing to do with anyone except me and my own laziness. For those of you who have lost weight, I'm jealous and proud of you.
2. I do like Chicago better than Cleveland. But for the record, I loved Cleveland. I am not saying anything about the people who live there, the people I love. Cleveland will always be in my heart.
3. I enjoy fishing and pick up trucks. Thoroughly.
4. I love and support D. will all my heart. I would never choose to do something that hurts him. And even though you don't know this, he is happy.
Thank you.