Thursday, January 31, 2008

Apple vs. PC Debate Revisited

We all remember my blog on December 12th, right? The one about how Mr. Pessimistic would indulge in lengthy ranting as to why Apple is inferior to PC. The December blog prompted several lengthy discussions both between Mr. Pessimistic and myself, and also inspired several (equally lengthy)comments, which led to even more discussion. At the end of which, it was once and for all determined that Mr. Pessimistic does not like Apple and PC is the only way to go, he would not purchase an Apple, because "it's all an advertising thing" in which they, "claim to be something they are not". Of course advertising doesn't work on Mr. Pessimistic.. or does it...

We had buried the debate, and then this happened:

Now, Mr. P can't stop talking about how awesome Apple is, and how much he wants one.



The Critic said...

Sorry, but isn't this one thinner?

Probably cheaper too. So, what's that Apple got that this hasn't? A built in camera? WTF do you need that for anyway?

The Critic said...

Don't forget these options as well

Dave said...

I really wouldn't mind having either one. I'm really just impressed with its thickness, as I'm sure everyone is. I really do love me a winduh's machine tho'.

The Keirnel said...

Brian gets 20% off...and so could you! I won't let it go until you go see about a job at Apple. Don't think of it as selling out, think of it as making yourself more marketable in the computer industry : )

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