How can you look at this face, and feel anything other than pure joy? You can't, that is unless you also have to live with him, clean up his poop, attempt to house train him, and listen to him whine when he wants to sleep on the bed. But, with a face like this, you just can't possibly stay mad for long, let alone tell him no he cannot sleep with you.
Therefore, I am suffering from Sleep Deprivation, making me tired and grouchy. I just can't say no to a great dane puppy, even though I know it's going to cause problems when he is HUGE!
I love my little guy!
1 comment:
As these things will shortly be the usual fare, I present to you the greatest comic strip exposition on these heeyah intertubes.
Marmaduke Explained.
I will also recommend this David Sedaris piece about his parent's Great Danes.
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