Monday Night:
Prison Break (Fox): My fascination with this show began at the shows inception. How could there be a show based around breaking out of prison, with a 2 hour premier that continues for more than a season, or even the 2 hours? I kept asking myself. So I watched it, and was hooked. Intrigued by the visionary character Michael Scofield, played by Wentworth Miller. THIS was all I needed to keep me watching..
*I don't like him.. he's too pretty.. he's like the Barilla pasta commercial guy.. he needs to be beaten for being to attractive (not really, I'm just disgusted).. Wentworth Miller always has his eyes squinted like the sun is bothering them, even when the sun isn't shining.. it's his serious face.*

He was a genius, who figured out how to break his brother out of prison using intricate tattoos on his body. As it happens, I was right. Prision Break jumped the shark in season 2. But I keep watching it, trying to regain understanding. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what is going on any longer. And, even though the classic Scofield stare is still prominent, it just isn't doing it for me any more.
Boston Legal (ABC): Originally a favorite due to the spin off nature from The Practice (another old fav). I veered away from this one until again recently. With the cast now containing, in addition to James Spader, a lively mad-cow driven William Shatner, a brilliant Candace Bergan, and an uptight John Laroquette it's a must watch. The show focuses on current events ( using the election recently as a topic of focus) as well as major economic, moral and religious issues. A great conversation show. Witty and funny!
* I can't believe they're going to cancel this show. The humor is awesome, and well thought out.. I'm disappointed that this is it for the series* -D.
Tuesday Night:
House ( Fox): I still love it. Dr. Gregory House, played by Hugh Laurie is hilarious, mean and spiteful. Fantastic medical cases and interesting plot lines, though lately I am a little annoyed with some of the characters.

* Yes, I agree.. completely. I don't understand how some episodes don't resolve, or continue.. for example: some egg shaped thing appears from the center of the earth and makes a weird frequency noise, and some strange folks show up to either a.) find it, and kill everyone in the way b.) protect it from previously stated alien/man/cyborg/thing.. then the egg goes back down into the earth, and the strange men disappear. Nothing is resolved. At the end, you just say to yourself "whaaaa.. did I just lose an hour of my life for that?" Is a story with no real conclusion supposed to be intriguing somehow? -D.
Wednesday Night:
Bones (Fox): I recently started watching this, having seen it here and there previously. It's interesting from a character development standpoint. We learn more about the show's primary characters each week, as well as glimpse into the lives and relationships of the secondary cast. The new CSI. Crime, humor, and intellectual wit.
*I like Bones.. I like their relationship and how they interact. I don't feel pathetic watching it like all the other shows on other days of the week. I guess it's because it is more crime solving/mystery/action storyline than a night time soap opera where everyone is sleeping with each other* -D.
Private Practice (ABC): A spin off of Grey's Anatomy starring Kate Walsh as Addison Montgomery ( Shepard) . This show is exactly what you would expect of a Grey's Anatomy spin off. Doctors sleeping with each other and talking about it. The only thing that stands out, and the reason I feel compelled to keep watching, is the subject matter each week. Every week the writers manage to sneak in some horribly disgusting topic that leaves me with office poll material for the rest of the week. ( see poll too side for one such example)
*yes.. essentially Grey's Anatomy with the only attractive member of the show withdrawn to have her own show* -D.

Dirty Sexy Money (ABC): Even D. loves this one. Following the life and times of the richest family in New York and their family lawyer. It's entertaining to say the least. This show is our guilty pleasure. We can't help but be caught up in what new scheme Jeremy is concocting, or who Karen is marrying next. It's a prime time soap opera, but with better writing and a bigger budget. We just can't help ourselves.
*Dirty Sexy Money is awesome! I can't believe that Lisa is going to sleep with Jeremy.. and where did this stupid girl that got hit on the bike come from.. is that the best way they could think of to introduce her character? Geez.. I could have written that script.. in all seriousness though.. Lisa George (Zoe McLellan) is turbo hot.. not as much as my nugget gelfling though.*
- D.*
Thursday Night:
Ugly Betty (ABC): I only started watching this because it's on before Grey's Anantomy, to which I am addicted ( see below). It's just a habit I can't seem to break. It's one of those shows that it doesn't really matter if you miss some, or even a whole episode. I cook dinner, eat and play with the dog while this plays in the background.
* This show is beyond too much, this is like you reminding me of 'the Fonz' jumping the shark anecdote.. this is more like Screech's robot, or Steve Urkel's other persona, Stephan.. it's like they have no direction for her role/character anymore, so they rehash this Denny story again because they don't know what to do with her. Grey's Anatomy has turned into 'Friends'. They've all slept with each other, and it's ridiculous and has no relevant real life scenario, other than the hospital patients actually dying.* -D.
Friday Night:
There is really nothing on, so we channel surf and eventually land on Ghost Whisperer, or something on HGTV. But who cares, right? It's Friday night!